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It's a fine line between living for the moment and being a sociopath.

Patricia B McConnell: For The Love Of A Dog.

Pema Chodron: The Places That Scare You

Daniel Wallace: Mr Sebastian & the Negro Magician

All paths lead to the same goal: to convey to others what we are. --Pablo Neruda

Monday, June 05, 2006

Magic Spam

Over the weekend, I started getting spam of a kind I haven’t seen much, before. Normally, I get a box full of stock tips, erectile chemistry and gynecological self-study. But I’ve just started getting told, quite frequently, that I shouldn’t miss out on that next promotion, and that my lack of qualifications shouldn’t hold me back from earning the salary I deserve.

Well, from spam’s mouth to God’s ears. As of today, it turns out that I have the same job title as Dick Cheney. And I don’t mean “Unrepentant Asshole”. I’m quite repentant. I mean the bit that comes before “…of the United States”.

So, if I read the tea leaves of my company’s recently announced merger correctly, I am now Vice President of an enterprise that won’t exist in six months.

Is that what they meant by "the promotion I deserve"?


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